Revealed for the First Time:
The ONLY Trading Dashboard that can find
top-performing sectors and stocks in less
than 5 minutes a day.

“The most powerful yet simple trading tool I've seen in over
20 years as a professional investor.”

Jeff Tompkins
Founder, Pay Per Win Club
Hedge Fund Manager
Hi, my name is Jeff Tompkins.

And today, I have a special message for you as an investor.

Just imagine if you could know what stocks to buy, when to buy, and when to sell – in less than 5 minutes a day.

Sounds ridiculous, right?

Well, you're about to watch a demo of a breakthrough trading tool that can do just that.

It simply gives you a view of the entire stock market at a quick glance, and it generates buy and sell signals up to three days in advance.

We’ve designed this simple process that makes sense and helps anyone take action.

Because if you’re like me or anyone else that tries their hand at trading and investing, we’ve all been in that situation where we get bogged down, or there’s just so much information we have “paralysis by analysis.”

So I’m going to help you overcome that.

In just a moment, I’ll do a demo of the platform, and I want you to see it for yourself. Then you can decide how useful it is.

But I can tell you right now that when a small group of Beta-testers decided to try the initial version of the system, they were stunned by the results.

Some, like Maria B. and Claudia P., are stay-at-home moms who didn’t know where to start investing, but Zillion made their lives much easier.

Others like Kyle T. and Jason P. are working professionals and wanted to supplement their income. They're thrilled to have a found a lucrative alternative to complicated trading platforms.

Still others, like Douglas S., Samir R., and Martha L. – all hit retirement but never slowed down.

Instead, they swapped out frustrating 9-to-5 jobs for a simple trading dashboard that allows them to quickly analyze the entire market.
They are psyched to learn new trading strategies, and they love new opportunities to get into big moves – before they happen.

And that's just a handful of people testing the initial Zillion system.  

But now it's much more powerful, and that's why I'm here.

From what we've seen so far, I can tell you this…
You're about to discover a breakthrough in the financial world, right here,
in front of your eyes.
I'm talking about the most powerful, yet simple trading tool I've seen in over 20 years as a professional investor.

For the first time ever, I'm ready to help put the power of Zillion behind individual investors… people like you.

And I’m confident anyone who gets in today can start trading like a pro without any guesswork.

Now listen, folks, this won't be the first time that my team is disrupting the financial industry.

In fact, back in 2015, I launched a proprietary trading service, and since then, it has delivered 274 wins and ZERO net losses ( and that includes trade adjustments).

Those kinds of results are unheard-of in this industry. And I probably could've stopped there.

But I did NOT stop... Instead, my team and I went back to the drawing board.

Over the last two years, we've devoted a huge amount of time and money into Research & Development.

And today, I'm here to reveal our new masterpiece.

It's called, the ZILLION Trading Dashboard.
There it is on my computer screen.
Whether You're New to Investing or an Experienced Pro, Zillion Has You Covered.
Zillion does all the hard work for you, so you'll never have to worry about feeling overwhelmed.

With clear, unmistakable Buy and Sell signals, it's like having your own personal stock analyst right in the comfort of your own home!

One of the best things about Zillion is it's perfect for ANY investor.

It's designed for the beginner and expert alike, and no matter what your level of experience, you'll soon be trading with the most user-friendly tools in the industry.

You can instantly analyze the entire market!
Many investors especially love Zillion's clear indicators and ability to see the market at-a-glance.
For instance, at the very top, we have our 3 Major Indices – the S&P 500, Dow, and Nasdaq. This Indicator tells us the short, medium, and long-term trends of each index.

On the left side, the Commentary and Events gives you details on upcoming webinars, weekly previews, and major market events.

The Market Sentiment Indicator has 3 gauges showing you the Risk, Trend, and Buy/Sell Ratio of the market.

Plus, you'll find the Sector Performance is a great way to start finding top-performers and under-performing sectors.

Simply click on a sector like Energy, and it will take you to the Scanner with ALL of our energy stocks and where they rank.
Plus, on the right side, you'll see a chart for the Energy sector (XLE) appear with Buy or Sell arrow signals. 

And as far as I know…
It's the ONLY trading system that can find the
top-performing sectors and stocks in only minutes a day.
It gives Buy or Sell Signals up to 3 days in advance of an anticipated trend.

And once you get access to the dashboard, you just have to follow the steps.

So today, I'm going to prove how Zillion is the real deal.

I'm going to break it down step-by-step so you can see exactly how it works. I’ll show you…

  • How to spot market sell-offs and corrections…
  • ​How to protect your portfolio…
  • ​The best days to trade with my new Statistics tool, and…
  • ​The top indicator and tools I use with a high-degree of accuracy in the markets.
And that’s just the beginning…

By the end of our session, you’ll discover how to use Zillion to spot turning points in the markets, and how it can help predict future market direction.

Now, in just a moment, I’m going to demo the system and show you how it all works.

You can watch me find incredible opportunities with real profit potential in a matter of minutes.

In fact, I’m going to share two new opportunities with our viewers, and you’ll be able to get all the details right after this event.

But before we jump in, you may be wondering…

Why would I share my biggest trading secret
with you?
Well, it's simple.

Before I became the chief investment strategist of Alto's Trading and an award winning hedge fund manager, I was a lot like you.

I began trading back in 1999, and I didn't have a lot of money. I was just like most new

investors, trying to bridge the gap between learning and applying trading methodologies.

And it felt like an impossible task.

Although I had some successes, I had a lot of failures, too.

And it was a good decade or so before I actually started to make money consistently.

Eventually, I landed a professional internship at the trading desk of Morgan Stanley, and in the end, all the struggle was worth it.

Now I have over 20 years’ experience trading the stock, options, and futures markets.

And we have over 50,000 members in over 100 countries across the globe.

And I've also managed money successfully for my clients and my hedge fund, Alpos Capital.

As you'll see, I'm the founder and creator of Zillion, and I'm going to share a lot of really great information and tools and tricks and tips with you on our session today.

As I mentioned, I have over 50K members in over 100 countries across the globe.

Here's what a few of our most motivated, highest performing students had to say about their achievements.

“Finding Jeff’s strategies has been life changing. For the first time in my life I don’t feel afraid to trade, and I’ve been able to recoup a number of losses that I had before I found you guys.”
– Dennis I.

“Your method is spot on - straight to the point, accounts for market changes, and provides a specific framework to establish a consistent, secondary income.”
– Shandra K.

“I’ve had more success in getting information from you than anyone in more than 20 years of trading.  It says a lot to me.”
– Leo W.
Testimonials appearing in this promotion may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success
That says a lot to me, and that's why I'm doing this. 
My purpose is to help regular, everyday people who want to gain financial freedom and independence.
Now, as I mentioned, my team has a history of disrupting the financial industry with my proprietary scanner.

It’s called Forward Adaptable Signal Technology, or “F.A.S.T.” for short.

And the accuracy has been off the charts.

Since October 2015, applying the scanner to my favorite options strategy, we’ve had 274 wins and zero net losses. (including trade adjustments). That’s right… zero losses.
Think about it. Technology has come a long way in the last seven years.

The raw power of artificial intelligence can do things today that seemed impossible a few years ago.

Bloomberg, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal have all predicted that artificial intelligence will disrupt every corner of Wall Street one day.

AI Will Invade Every Corner of Wall Street

AI Powered Investing is Changing Wall Street
for Millennials

Artificial Intelligence Will Change Everything
-Wall Street Journal

And clearly, that day has arrived with our new ZILLION Trading Dashboard.

Now, I developed Zillion with the same team of data scientists and programmers that helped make F.A.S.T. a reality.  

And let me say, Daniel is a Ph.D. computer scientist, a very sharp guy, and has put a lot of work into the dashboard, along with his partner Homa, also a Ph.D. specializing in UX
(user experience) design.

When I met Daniel, I was surprised that he’d worked at Morgan Stanley just like me.

Only instead of working at a trade desk, his job was to program algorithms for their trading software.

He’d also worked with IBM in the early 2000’s designing a new database system that is
still used to this day.

Homa, is a Ph.D. Software Engineer and Design Strategist.

Her specialty is in human interaction – also called "heuristics" – following the mental model of the user to make systems more intuitive and easy-to-follow.  

And it was her idea to make the user feel comfortable trading, and condense everything they need into a one-page platform.

So this is a really strong partnership that we're proud to share.

We had three main goals with Zillion...

First, we wanted to cut down research time, and find the best opportunities within minutes.

Second, we wanted to find a way to quickly see the overall risk of the market.

And finally, we wanted to generate daily buy and sell signals and confirm market direction before risking any money…

So the idea was to combine all those into one powerful tool that people could use to find opportunities in only minutes each day.

We started with a really deep, competitive analysis before initially building the dashboard.

And when we started talking to friends and colleagues about what they wanted, it was all about financial literacy and financial freedom.

Most people said, "We have a bunch of trading indicators, but don't know which ones to use, or when to use them."

We found the problem with most trading "systems" out there is they give too many options, too many screens, too many features, and it doesn't work for normal people.

They're just too complex and investors get lost before they get started.

People are looking for a way to cut through
all the “noise.”
Look, I hear from so-called financial "experts" all the time. Maybe you do, too.

And if you're anything like me… you've grown skeptical of emails promising "overnight riches" or the "next big thing" in the markets.

But somehow their advice seems to change nearly every day.

Now don't get me wrong… They might pick a winner occasionally. But when they're wrong, YOU suffer the losses.

And too much "noise" into bad trades could blow up your account.

You need clear instructions to filter down the vast universe of thousands of tradable stocks.

But nobody has time to go through all of them.

So we wanted to create a way to instantaneously identify stocks that are of interest.
Our vision was to design a cloud-based platform that was powerful and effective,
yet easy to use at the same time.
We brainstormed, saying, "Indicators are great, but maybe it's better if we combine the best indicators into something like a dashboard that everybody can use."

We wanted to give investors a way to cut back the amount of time they spend researching and finding opportunities in the market…

And to be able to very quickly within a matter of minutes, zero-in-on the best opportunities.

We already had the F.A.S.T. Scanner that gives you advanced warning of a buy or sell signal, and it does a good job of predicting trends in the market.

But more importantly for our new project, Daniel had recently invented a breakthrough cloud-divergence algorithm.

This “Magic Cloud” gives us confirmation that we are trading in the right direction.

And we discovered that Daniel's Magic Cloud and my F.A.S.T. Scanner worked very well together.

The other thing that was really important was to find a way to adapt to the personality and style of the user as part of the dashboard.

And we've taken into account people's different personalities as conservative, moderate, or aggressive traders.

Now, after two years of testing and refinement, we have perfected a simple way to trade momentum with an algorithm that adapts to market conditions.

The ZILLION Trading Dashboard always lets you know at-a-glance whether to buy or sell a security
We've worked long and hard to make sure everything is as easy and user-friendly
as possible.

Say goodbye to guesswork forever.

Now of course…

You can’t simply close your eyes and buy shares of any company.

Zillion automatically ranks over 4,000 symbols every single day.

And I estimate only 2% of those could trigger a F.A.S.T. buy signal AND align with
the Magic Cloud at the same time.

But don’t worry…

My team has developed a proprietary trading dashboard that can pinpoint those

And the platform couldn’t be easier…

Simply watch for the green arrow to align with a green square.

In this case, sorting alphabetically, we can see that AAOI and AAWW are the only stocks with a green buy signal and green convergence cloud.

With clear signals like these, you'll always know what to buy, when to buy, and also when to sell.
And I believe Zillion can show basically ANYONE how to trade like this in just minutes a day. 

Whether you're seeking safe stocks... ETF's… Forex… Cryptos… or Futures…

Zillion helps eliminate your stress and worry by doing all the hard work for you.

But the thing is, we don’t just follow individual stocks. We track over 4,800 symbols, every day, and all at the same time.

No human can do that. By the time a human trader spotted an opportunity, the opportunity would be long gone.

That’s why Zillion is so critical.

We’ve armed it with our top two indicators that look for divergence, volatility, and momentum.

Put it all together, and Zillion is able to do something that even the pros on Wall Street cannot do.

In short, it can spot hidden trading opportunities that are invisible to the human eye.

As a result, Zillion generates a Buy or Sell signal that basically anyone can use to analyze the market.  

Consider what happened with the S&P 500 in 2021. Here’s the chart:

You can see there are multiple green arrows aligned with a green cloud for most of the year.

Depending on how much you invested, there were opportunities to make LOTS of money.

Aside from these indicators giving you 100% confidence of the market direction…

Zillion's powerful system tells you exactly when it's safe to buy stocks… and when to take your money off the table.

And by the way, there’s no other tool out there like this. It’s completely proprietary.

But even more, Zillion has warned of the downturn BEFORE your profits go up in smoke.

Here’s how Zillion could've saved investors from the recent inflation market sell-off…
In December 2021, the market hit the brakes as the Federal Reserve was considering raising interest rates to fight inflation.

However, if you had Zillion, you wouldn’t need to worry about the Fed or what might happen next.

All you had to do is look for the red arrow aligning with a red cloud at the end of November.

And you could’ve gotten out near the top… BEFORE the market crashed.

So you can steer clear of emotional traps like holding on to a stock too long in hopes it will recover and repay your losses.

And I’m telling you, knowing your odds to make money BEFORE making the trade sure takes the guesswork out of the game.

Every weekday at 7:00 PM ET, the Zillion system scans through over 4,000 symbols and automatically ranks them for risk, momentum, and timing.

This gives you a chance to scan the results in the evening while the market's closed to find the best trade opportunities for the next day – the ones that offer the biggest potential – before the market opens tomorrow, you're already locked and loaded.

You're armed with not only the top stocks for tomorrow, but also their predictive future price – up to three days in advance. That makes trading so much simpler.

And if you have a smartphone or tablet, you can make these trades from practically anywhere in the world.

There's nothing like the opportunity to spot these signals 5 days a week, even small wins add up fast.

In just a moment, I’m going to show you how to start taking advantage of the breakthrough ZILLION Trading Dashboard yourself.

But first, I’m going to show you how it works.  

Success Starts from the “Top-Down”
The Zillion Trading Dashboard might seem simple, but it is not a basic program.

Zillion is a combination of numerous algorithms working in tandem.

Finding the right mix took us over two years.

Plus, being able to hone-in-on these opportunities almost instantaneously requires a level
of computer power that wasn’t always available.

Nevertheless, we’ve been beta-testing version after version with some of our readers, getting their feedback.

Zillion is already changing the lives of investors just like you.
At the beginning of this presentation, I shared with you a few of the results people experienced while beta-testing the ZILLION Trading Dashboard. 

That was just a small sample…

The results were everything we hoped for and more. 

We started receiving email after email from participants saying things like this…

“I've tried many trading platforms and they're confusing with almost every indicator that exists. You’re forced to pick whatever indicators you think are correct for the market condition you see. But Zillion is an indispensable tool that allows me to take or exit a position without emotion.”
–    Jaymee R, Cleveland, Ohio

“Zillion helps me find the right stock at the right time in the right sector, and the stats page gives me more confidence in my ability to pick better trades.”
–    Julianne C, Tampa, Florida

“There are a lot of people in the industry giving you their opinions and stock picks. Most of it has little to no real value, just a lot of noise. Zillion gives me a platform to focus all my trading on.”
–    Samir K, Chicago, Illinois

“The Zillion eco-system has allowed me to unsubscribe from a number of different trade and charting services, as I can now focus on just one platform that is proven to have consistent and reliable results.”
–    Pete A, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Testimonials appearing in this promotion may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success
These are real people just like you…

But – no matter where they live or what they did before – they all have one thing in common…

They didn't reinvent the wheel to find their success.

The process is simple and kind of works in a “Top-Down” fashion, from the upper left of the ZILLION Trading Dashboard.

Step 1: Market Commentary and Events
Thanks to Zillion's powerful algorithms and indicators, identifying new trends couldn't be easier.
And one of the most important is View Commentary & Events.

This is the member's area where I'll be posting interactive trainings, webinars, and educational videos.

So let's talk about my prediction of the Tech Sell-off on January 4th, 2022.

Just four days after the all-time high of 406, I noticed a surprise red sell signal on the Nasdaq 100 (QQQ).

That’s when I posted on January 4th. And if you click the little square at the bottom right of each post, it expands to show you my message.
Over the next few weeks, the QQQ dropped to 340 – falling 16% from peak to trough.

But I posted the commentary on January 4th, BEFORE it happened.

And I didn't just leave our readers hanging – I kept monitoring this pullback, sending them an update on January 18th.

And then on January 31st, we finally got a green buy signal and I called the rebound. Again, BEFORE it happened. 
This is all posted directly on the ZILLION Trading Dashboard, so you can always be up-to-date on where the market is and where it's going.

More importantly, you can see how a professional money manager navigates the markets.

Basically, the Commentary and Events is to show you how to use the system… implement proven strategies… even review current financial events and reveal how to turn them to your advantage.
Step 2: Is it safe to enter the market
right now?
A closer look at the top of the dashboard shows us the Major Indices Indicator
– the Dow Jones, S&P 500, and Nasdaq.  

You can look at the overall market for short-term, medium, and long-term trends.

This helps you quickly see if it's bullish or bearish, or going sideways.

And that's your first step to filtering down the market.

We also have the Market Sentiment Gauges with three ways to show you when the market is gaining or losing momentum.

This is a really great tool to determine the risk, trend, and buy/sell ratios of the market.

The first one, the Risk Gauge, is an algorithm built around market volatility to measure the level of risk, fear, or stress in the market.

You can see at-a-glance what the overall risk in the market is, and then react accordingly.

Then the second one, the Trend Gauge, is simply going to tell us what the overall market trend is doing.

Third is the Buy/Sell Ratio. It tells us the current ratio of buy signals relative to sell signals.

Step 3: View and Select the Best Sector
The Sector Performance Indicator is a really great way to see the most bullish or bearish sectors of the day.

You'll notice it's broken down into two sections – top performers and underperformers.

It's simply going to give you the top-3 outperforming sectors, as well as the top-3 underperformers.

For example, let’s say the Financial industry is today’s most bullish sector outpacing the market, so we click on that.
When I click on "Financial”, it takes me down to the F.A.S.T. Scanner, where I only see the stocks within that sector.
This is where you gain your initial edge.

Now, let's look down on the left, at the F.A.S.T. Scanner component.
Step 4: Scan for Buy and Sell Signals
The F.A.S.T. Scanner is a forward-looking indicator, and it adapts to market volatility and momentum.

I don't know of anything else out there that can do that effectively.

You'll notice there are filters at the top of the scanner.
Go to the dropdown menu to choose your "ASSETS"…
And you’ll notice there’s a “Search” Feature.

So if you want to search for a certain security, you can go ahead and type the company name or symbol.

Let’s go ahead and type in Apple.
If we click on any of the symbols within the scanner, it will automatically populate those signals into the chart on the right side.
By the way, every single column can be sorted… If you want to sort alphabetically, sort by buys or sells, cloud divergence, volume, or profit factor. You can sort by any of those metrics.

So if we're looking at the Financial Sector top-performers, for instance, we'd probably want to look for Buy Entries, right?
You would simply click on "Buy Entry" and filter into all current buy signals from the F.A.S.T. algorithm.

This is going to immediately give you a list of financial stocks that have an active Buy Signal (green arrow).

You can also filter by stocks that line up with the Magic Cloud (green square) that I mentioned earlier, and this gives further confirmation of the Buy Signal. 
So you could pick any one of those, and you can trade with confidence knowing the odds are in your favor.

Ultimately, this is why Zillion gives me peace of mind that I’m making the right decision, even before I risk a dime.

Because with just a few clicks, I can analyze the entire market, find the top sectors, and the best potential stocks.

For example, take a look at this chart of ExxonMobil (XOM) on August 24, 2021…
In late August, Exxon had a green buy signal and a green Magic Cloud confirming bullish market direction.

The next day, shares exploded as expected.

And the green cloud remained for nearly two months, until a red sell signal finally appeared on November 12th.

Using our proprietary indicators, you could've gotten in at $56.00 and sold for $63.50 per share.

That's a gain of 13% in only 58 days. Or an annualized gain of 82%.

If you compare that to the average 7% annual gain of the S&P, it's a MASSIVE difference of 75%.

Now, as we move across the dashboard, you'll notice on the chart there's a Magic Cloud, which is a filtering tool built into the Zillion charting.

Step 5: Filter signals using the Magic Cloud
Your final step is to note if the "Magic" Cloud is red or green. If your stock is bullish, and the cloud is green, this confirms the "trend is your friend" – and it's time to buy.

The Magic Cloud uses a proprietary approach that makes it  simple to pick stocks in long term up-trends. Or down-trends…
Prefer to play it safe?
Here's how to set your trade on auto-pilot and AUTOMATICALLY close your position…

Your final step is to note the protective stop-loss provided on the chart (the small horizontal red lines).

For example, take a look at this chart of Adobe Ticker: ADBE.

For most of 2021, Adobe was an unstoppable force marching towards all time highs.

From May 2021 through early September, ADBE stock went on a 41% run.

It took a bit of a break in early October, then proceeded to go on another bullish run.

On November 19, Adobe hit an all time high of 699 point share.

Most investors were betting on even more highs for the stock at that time.

However, a few weeks earlier, on October 28, a Red Cloud had emerged, plus a red down arrow that very same day when the Red Cloud and the Red Arrow triggered.

At the same time, Zilliam was giving a very clear and unmistakable sell recommendation, and I knew it was just a matter of time.

In this case, you would probably want to hold off buying the stock near $700 per share.

On November 11, Adobe issued yet another sell signal through our algorithms.

You would then want to set up your trade to close automatically when the position meets

the stop criteria on the chart.

You do this by placing what's called a trailing stop.

It's just a few extra clicks in your account after entering the trade, and the purpose of a
trailing stop is very easy to understand.

Once the trade shows any signs of weakness, you can have it pre scheduled from the start to cash you out and deposit any winnings in your account.

This way, you control your losses before they damage your portfolio and take well deserve profits.

Off the Table shares of Adobe started to nosedive just as the indicator predicted, and over the next two months, Adobe stock was pounded from 699 per share down to $434 per share, a rare sell off of 37%.

But if you had acted when the Red Cloud in the Red Arrow matched up, you could have set the stock to sell automatically and saved yourself a huge potential loss.

Or if you went short 100 shares of Adobe, you're looking a potential gain of $18,700 in only three months.

Even in an uncertain economy, Zillion gives you the confidence to make more informed trading and investing decisions.
Zillion never stops working to remove
the guesswork from trading and investing.
In addition to the F.A.S.T. Scanner and Magic Cloud, you also get the full suite of some really great tools you can apply to the chart.  

Take another look at this chart of Apple Inc. (AAPL).
I picked the VWAP, Bollinger Bands, and the Relative Strength Indicator.

This shows me exactly what Apple did in the first 3 months of 2022. I can clearly see the red cloud emerge in December, along with a red sell signal in January, and then a big green buy signal in early March.

And you can apply ANY of these hundreds of charting tools to ANY chart on the Zillion Dashboard.

So you've got access to virtually ANY indicator that you can imagine, and it's all built into the charting.

And another thing I mentioned earlier, we designed this in a versatile way that could be tailored to ANYONE’S trading style.
The Trading Modes is another feature you're going to love.
Most tools out there are kind of one-size fits all.

They don't take everyone into consideration.

You just have one tool that’s used the same way by everybody, and that's not very realistic.

We conducted a survey with our Beta-testers about their different trading styles.
Some people were conservative, some aggressive, and many saw themselves as moderate investors.

So we built those personalities into Zillion with buttons for conservative, moderate, or aggressive modes.

Simply clicking one of these buttons will customize the entire dashboard to your personal trading style.

Here’s another powerful feature…
Our proprietary Statistics Indicator shows how any strategy would have performed during any period over the past five years.
Simply pick your trading aggressiveness mode, and in just a few clicks, you'll know exactly how much money you would have earned or lost.

Also built into our stats tool is what we call the Portfolio Architect, where you can look up any stock and determine the best days of the week to trade.

This is a BIG deal.

For example, you can see the best days to trade our signals on Apple are Monday and Friday, and you'd want to avoid trading on Thursdays.

And there’s one more feature I forgot to mention…

You could even say Zillion makes it simple to manage your portfolio.
To see what I mean, take a look at the picture below. It shows a customized "Watchlist" – one of the most powerful tools in the entire dashboard (and that's saying a lot!).
The Watchlist is saved immediately when you add or remove an item.

Then, whenever you log out or unlock it from a different device, you will see the exact same symbols on your account.

So it's actually intelligent enough to understand which symbols are on your Watchlist from any device.

If you wanted to add Apple (AAPL) to your Watchlist, you can drag the symbol into this Watchlist button above and “Drop" it.

As soon as you drop it, Apple is added to the Watchlist.

And it's very easy to add as many symbol as you’d like to the Watchlist with drag and drop.

I know this all seems so easy…

But it’s actually really complex.

Zillion does ALL the heavy lifting
Anyone who wants to can make these trades. Just click a few buttons, set it and forget it.

Remember, it only takes a matter of minutes a day to find the top performing sectors and stocks.

Now, I can’t promise that you will win on every trade.

Nobody can.

But if you follow the 5-steps of the ZILLION Trading Dashboard…

You’ll have a very good chance at being on the right side of the market.
Just imagine how much more money you
could make and save with the proper
information and tools.
Well, it's time to stop imagining and start making it happen because you could get started as soon as tomorrow.
Imagine more free time to do the things you love
When you can analyze the entire market in just minutes a day and set up your market orders, the rest of your day is yours.

It's the ability to…

Travel to see your family whenever you want…

Help your children and grandchildren succeed…

Start a business…

The reason to pursue trading and investing is to give yourself the TIME to do these things.

That's why I believe Zillion is likely the ONLY trading tool you will ever need.
But don’t just take my word for it…

Just check out what people are saying about this system…
You can start investing the way they do… because you'll have all the tools, training, and information you'll ever need with the Zillion dashboard.
Zillion has given me the free-time to enjoy life!

I mean, the whole dashboard just makes my life so much easier.

I can spot the top sectors and stocks very quickly and then go enter my order with my broker in just minutes a day.
In fact, I want to prove right now – without question – that this is the most transformative trading tool for making money on the planet.

When I decided to go public with Zillion, I began keeping track of trades I made using the algorithm.
I wanted to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt – that Zillion is the most adaptable, forward-looking way to trade the markets.

And that’s exactly what I’ve done.

I show you real screenshots from my own personal TD Ameritrade account, using the exact indicator that is available in the Zillion dashboard.

You'll see here are some examples from my account where I made over $8,000 of profit in a day, or over $6,500 in a single day, or over $5,400 of profit in a single day with as much as $27,000 in open profit.

And guys, this was using the exact same indicator algorithm available to you in the Zillion dashboard.
You can see I’m using Zillion as my own personal research and analysis tool.

It’s a big reason why I’ve been a successful Hedge Fund Manager.

So look, we’ve covered a lot of ground today.

How we got the idea to create a simple trading dashboard for ALL investors.

How we created a top-down system that gives you a full-overview of the market in just minutes.

Along with step-by-step details of how our new system actually works.

But there's nothing like discovering it for yourself, and I have a really special invitation for those of you watching today.

I'm going to show you how to take advantage of Zillion yourself.

It all starts right here, right now, I'm launching the new ZILLION Trading Dashboard.

And I'd like to invite you to become a Charter Member.
This One-of-a kind Opportunity Will Put the
Power of ZILLION in Your Hands.
At the end of the day, my goal is to turn you into an expert trader, so that you can not only be successful…

But more importantly, I’ll teach you how to spot trading and investment opportunities on your own.

So to make your success happen as quickly as possible…
I Will Reveal…
Every one of my special techniques and indicators that make what I’ve revealed today possible, with absolutely nothing held back.

Here’s what you can expect when you join us today…
As a Charter Member, you'll get access to my proprietary ZILLION Trading Dashboard.
This is the actual cloud-based dashboard you can use to breakdown the entire market in only minutes a day.

You'll receive a log-in to the dashboard, and you can go ahead and use everything we've demonstrated for you today in your trading and investing.  

When the system updates each trading day around 7:00 PM ET, you can watch all the potential trades go from red to yellow, to green.

And, you can log in 24 hours a day, seven days a week and see exactly how the system works.

After a while, you can start to see patterns and try to match those patterns up with the actual trades I discuss in the Live Trading Sessions.

Eventually, you can learn how to use those patterns to make your own trades.

With ZILLION Trading Dashboard
You’ll Have Access to…
  • Market Commentary and Events – 52 Sessions- Retail Value $997
  • ​Market Sentiment Gauges –12 Months Access- Retail Value $997
  • ​Sector Performance Indicator – 12 Months Access- Retail Value $497
  • ​F.A.S.T. – Magic Cloud – 12 Months Access- Retail Value $1,497
  • ​The Statistics Indicator – 12 Months Access- Retail Value $2,997
You’ll Also Receive My Top 2 Zillion Picks Emailed to Your Inbox Every Monday Evening.

That’s 104 Picks a Year!
Every Monday after the market closes, I’ll be running through the 5-steps of the ZILLION Trading Dashboard.

And then around 7:00 PM ET, I’m going to release a new “Zillionaire Alert” with my top 2 picks for the week.

It’s a concise summary of any big opportunities ready to break-out in the coming days.

Historically speaking, at least two stocks a week will meet all the criteria that check off all my boxes.

And remember, these recommendations could be for almost any asset – including stocks, ETF’s, crypto, futures, and forex.

So you’re getting the best-of-the-best alerts – directly from me.

You get an email alert like this… at the top, you’ll see the names of the two companies.

If you decide one of these opportunities is right for you, you’ll see easy-to-follow instructions to get in.

That includes instructions for pre-programming each trade, so it automatically triggers when the time is right.

You’ll see easy-to-follow instructions for options trades, too.

And I have two of them ready to send to those of you who join me right now – you’re going to be our Charter members.

So, I’ll send you two new opportunities just to kick things off.

They’re locked and loaded, and we’re not going to waste any time.

But if you’re like me, you want a bit more than that.

So that’s why…

I'm Going to Coach You Personally
Every Tuesday at 7:00 PM ET, I’ll be conducting a live strategy session. 

I'll also demonstrate how we use the dashboard to find opportunities.

For instance, if you trade options, we'll talk about using the tool I use to trade options and other markets. We’re going to be doing a lot of live demonstration and covering strategies.

Now, of course that will vary depending on what the market is doing at the time, but trading options will be covered in our live sessions.

And don't worry if you miss a day or two – we record all of the sessions. So you can certainly watch those any time and communicate with us in whatever way is convenient for you.  I'll post all replays on the commentary and events as shown below.
Every live strategy session kicks off with a quick update on the current market environment… What I think might happen in the next few days… And a heads up on any potential trades I believe we should be monitoring right now.

I walk you through why we're looking at each play and the potential risks and profits.

Plus, I give you the expected entry and exit price and trailing stop level.
There is even a Live Chat, so you can ask any questions in real time.

You're not required to attend those as a Zillion member, but we encourage you to attend.

I truly believe this is the missing link between Main Street and Wall Street.
I've taught thousands of new traders, and most folks start out with very little confidence in what to do, or when to do it.

That is what Live Trading Sessions can help you do, because you can literally follow along in real time and ask questions about anything you don't understand.

And what else does a Charter subscription include?
You get access to our members-only
Zillionaire Community
Of course, I want members taking advantage of the Zillion dashboard, but I also want them sharing ideas on investments they find themselves.

You’re going to be able to talk to each other in my new group, the Zillionaire Community.

And we already have over 100 members, so you won’t be starting from scratch.    

It's also important, whether you are new to investing or you're a seasoned veteran, that you hit the ground running.

And that's what's going to happen.

Oh, and here’s something I forgot to mention.

Immediately After You Join,
I'm Going to Send You TWO Special Bonus Gifts…

 This is a complete step-by-step instruction manual of the entire ZILLION Trading Dashboard.

Each topic has instructional videos…

So you can look up your questions: How do I use my scanner? How do I use the charting features? How do I use Market Sentiment gauges? And so much more…

By the time you're finished, you'll understand exactly how Zillion beats every other indicator or charting platform out there, and why it can give you the best trading opportunities – in
just minutes a day.

Now, this does not guarantee you will make money, even if you follow what I do. Moreover,
I would say beware of anyone who guarantees you a gain in the market.

But with the video tutorials… you have my word you’re getting everything you’ll need to trade with more confidence than you ever thought possible.

In addition, I recently put the finishing touches on my eBook, "How to Create Risk-Free Trades: Let Your Profits Run with Little or No Risk.”
I'll be charging $99 for this new book.

But as a Charter Member of Zillion, it will also be yours… FREE.

These are two really valuable bonuses you can use with the dashboard to really supercharge your results.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: These special bonuses are free to all new members... but are not available to the wider public.  

This is the kind of stuff I've never talked about publicly, but you can get them free when you become a Charter Member today.

Best of all, they’re yours to keep — no matter what you decide to do later.

We’re offering all this…

And we’re offering you the opportunity to cut the learning curve and trade like a pro.
Cut the learning curve, and trade like
Now, I do need to clarify one point. Entrance isn’t guaranteed.
Here’s the crucial part. So please, listen carefully...
Only 250 investors today will be allowed into my unique research and analysis tool, ZILLON Trading Dashboard – on a first-come, first-serve basis.
So you’ll need to act fast…  

If you do get in, I promise I’ll do everything in my power to help you get up and running by tomorrow.

Even though these are serious opportunities… it won’t cost you thousands of dollars.

Look, this is extremely valuable information. As a hedge fund manager myself, I know many professional traders who would be happy to pay $2,000, maybe even $3,000 to get access to this platform.

But I didn’t create the ZILLION Trading Dashboard to help the rich get richer.

Nothing would make me happier than to have YOU, the retail investor, contact me in a month or two to tell me your dreams have been realized.

To say you’ve gone from being a cautious, run of the mill investor…

To being a wise and wealthy trader – all thanks to my ZILLION Trading Dashboard that you didn’t even know existed before! Let me help you get there.  

Your entrance fee to gain access to my ZILLION Trading Dashboard seems paltry in comparison to all the value I’m giving you today…

You get over $12,000 worth of trading secrets when you add up all this… 
  • Unlimited Access to Zillion – $7,982 Total Value
  • ​My TOP 2 Weekly Zillionaire Trades – $997.00 Value 
  • ​​Live Trade Sessions Tuesday @ 7 PM ET – $550 Value 
  • Personal Coaching – $1,997 Value
  • Exclusive “Invitation Only” Community membership and Live Chat on Discord – $199 Value
  • Learn to Trade Stocks, Futures, Forex and Options with Consistency – Priceless!
  • ​Bonus 1: Zillionaire Playbook Video Series – $297 Value
  • ​Bonus 2: How to Create Risk-Free Trades eBook – $97.00 Value
That’s IF you're lucky enough to grab one of the 250 seats available today, of course.

You save $10,622 off the retail price for one year when you become a Charter Member of the ZILLION Trading Dashboard for just $1,497 per year…

Needless to say, at this heavily discounted Charter rate, your first successful trade could easily pay for your entire membership.

So let me highlight how AWESOME this deal is…

You won’t pay 12 grand… you won’t pay five… you won’t even pay 75% of the retail price by jumping on this offer today…
Your one-year membership is only $1,497 – a fantastic savings of more than 87%.  

That’s an awesome deal!

Have you seen how much trading services cost these days?

They routinely run $2,000, $2,500, even $5,000 per year and more…

I haven’t seen many worth the hefty price tag.

Most systems and indicators out there are stressful and confusing for average people.

So my team and I created Zillion to be different than anything else out there.

Both in terms of the power it provides with the best indicators all in one place — plus the simplicity to narrow down the market in just minutes.

The trades that Zillion highlights are perfectly understandable…

Plus they’re SIMPLE to execute…

Honestly, I can’t think of a better way to get all the research and analysis you need to be a successful trader.

You'll get all the details on the next page.

And as a Charter Member, your special discounted rate is locked in FOR LIFE.

So you'll never pay more than your initial subscription cost when you choose to continue.

For example, when we raise the retail price to the suggested $5,000… You'll be locked in at $1,497.

I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get started.

As you learn how the system works, you can paper trade the signals, attend a few of the live strategy sessions, and check out the Zillion trading tools.

But you need to go through the Zillionaire Playbook first.

Each video takes about 5 minutes. And you can go through the whole playbook in a few hours.

Now, if you're not willing to invest a little bit of time to go through the Zillionaire Playbook and learn how to use the system, maybe this just isn't for you.

That spot could go to somebody who really wants it and is willing to do what it takes to be a "Zillionaire.”

Look, I want to help people, who want to help themselves.

So right now you have a choice.

You can keep doing what you're doing, and hope you can guess right enough to retire someday…

Or you can take action and use the ZILLION Trading Dashboard to not only get the research and analysis you need, but start making more confident trading and investing decisions.

The system automatically updates every stock, every day at 7:00 PM ET, giving you a chance to see the best sectors and stocks in just minutes per day.

And I guarantee to give you TWO trade recommendations every week. That’s 104 new chances to grow your wealth over the next year.

PLUS, I'm going to be there every Tuesday night on the Live strategy sessions to let you look over my shoulder and watch me set up trades based on current market conditions.

Plus, you can follow along and learn I’m using the dashboard to make my trading decisions.

But if you want in, you need to take action.

Now there are only 250 Charter member subscriptions available today and over 500,000 readers will likely see this.

Every single one of them has the chance to watch this presentation today, which means there's only a handful of people that will secure this 87% discount.

I really hope you're one of them.

All you have to do is click the button below.

You'll go to our secure checkout page, where you can review everything you get as a Charter member and make your decision.

So let's do it.

For those watching at home, just click on the big "JOIN NOW" button below.

I can’t wait for you to join our “Zillionaire” community and starting your own journey.

Thank you for your time and congratulations. I look forward to welcoming you as a Charter Member.

To Your Wealth,
Jeff Tompkins
Chief Investment Strategist
ZILLION Trading Dashboard

P.S. If you have any questions about the service and how it will work for you, I encourage you to contact our friendly Customer Service team at 800-895-9348 and mention Priority Code: ZB22
(You Can Review Your Order Before Its Final)
Altos Trading, LLC | Copyright ©2024 | All Rights Reserved


Altos Trading, LLC, Zillion Tree Dashboard and TradeTrend software is intended to be used as an information service for subscribers, and it includes opinions as to buying, selling and holding various stocks and other securities. However, the publishers of Altos Trading’s TradeTrend software or Zillion Dashboard are not brokers or investment advisers, and do not provide investment advice or recommendations directed to any particular subscriber or in view of the particular circumstances of any particular person. Altos Trading, LLC, including its owner, does not accept responsibility for any decisions made by subscribers using the Zillion Dashboard or TradeTrend software. Subscribers to the Zillion Tree and/or TradeTrend software or any other persons who buy, sell or hold securities should do so with caution and consult with a broker or investment adviser before doing so.

Trading securities and options involves risk. Prior to buying or selling an option, an investor must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Investors need a broker to trade securities and options, and must meet suitability requirements. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. Performance figures are based on actual alerts provided in the TradeTrend software. Due to the time critical nature of trading, brokerage fees, and the activity of other subscribers, there is no guarantee that subscribers will mirror the performance of the service. Past performance numbers shown are based on trades subscribers could enter based on the trade alerts. Altos Trading, LLC assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by any individual or entity as a result of trade alerts or strategies taught through, or the Zillion Tree Dashboard and/or TradeTrend Software.

Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets.

Testimonials appearing on this website may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success.